What is ITSUWA?
We will lead a bright future by creating brimful emotion with services that link ideas.
Please tell us your expectations and wishes.
By focusing on service quality and creating “Kando” that exceeds expectations,
we will enable all people involved in work to spend their days
with dreams and hopes and feel a bright future.
Please consult with ITSUWA.
6 Promises to our customers
Be a producer!
Take on challenge days
Raise our own value
Cooperate in harmony
Create smiles
Uphold promises

We will begin what we can do in anticipation of the evolution
of people and society toward the 22nd century.
Today, our society and lives are changing dramatically, but what kind of future do we see ahead of us?
Changes that seem trivial in everyday life.
But what kind of society is waiting for that extension?
What kind of society will be like in the 22nd century, many decades from now, and by then what will happen?
It may seem ridiculous, but we are seriously thinking.
Society, economy, business, science and healthcare, our lives, and the global environment.
From small changes to major changes.
Take both good and bad things positively.
We are now preparing to find what we can do as a trading company in the midst of change and to help society as much as possible.
We aim to become a “22nd Century Enterprise.”
for example…
Living together with robots
- To a common one that anyone can travel in space
- Zero Traffic Accidents with Fully Automatic Driving
- Communication speed is still beyond 10G

Science and Medical
Cyborg becomes commonplace
- Lead to zero cancer mortality
- Into space in the living sphere due to its migration to Mars
- Life expectancy of human reaches 120 years
Global Environment
Natural destruction and human survival crisis
- Global warming and frequent occurrence of natural disasters
- Decline in harvest and food decline problem
- Wildlife extinction accelerated

Chain of coexistence, creation, and value
Please look forward to ITSUWA Road to ITSUWA Road to NEXT planning

Not only to know the market but also
of the Import/Export conditions in each country
To date, we have dealt with a variety of Agent, Manufacturers and have built strong relationships with them. The services and products we handle are extensive, but our expertise and strong relationship with our partners enables us to quickly obtain information on our products and offer customers the best services and products that meet their needs.
We are also familiar with the Import/Export conditions of each country. So we will not only provide products, but also propose products from new regions and new business models.
Wide range of products and
services emphasizing quality
We offer a wealth of products and services that meet customer needs.
In addition to providing products and services, we have a Quality Assurance Department to provide superior quality products regardless of whether they are sold in-house or by other companies. We can also respond promptly when a product error occurs. Furthermore, we provide guidance to overseas suppliers so that we can reliably prevent recurrences and reduce the burden on our customers.

Never give up
Propose the “Best” by sincerely listening to requests
We believe that good business is “for our customers to be happy”. We respond sincerely to our customers, listen to their needs, and utilize our networks and expertise to propose optimal products and services. We are also taking on the challenge of being able to handle new products that customers want without giving up.
In addition, we aim to achieve customer satisfaction and more through speedy responses and agile footwork.
Distribution centers around the world
Aim for global distribution
In Japan, we have established a follow-up system with five distribution centers, including the Osaka Head Office, as well as distribution centers in Tokyo, Fukuoka, Tottori, and Higashi Osaka. Outside Japan, we have offices in South Korea, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dong Guan (China), Manila, Singapore, Vietnam, Bangkok, Australia, the United States, Germany, and Mexico. We aim to distribute high-quality products and services globally by leveraging our procurement channels and networks.

Promote to achieve the objectives
Operational capability
Since our founding, our company has been providing procurement and logistics services to major consumer electronics manufacturers. We can deliver to customers’ manufacturing plants and achieve our objectives with our operational strength.
Our strength lies in our ability to perform everything from ordering and receiving materials, to import/export, and delivery management.
In addition, we respond quickly to investigations and arrangements for substitutes in the event of quality problems, as well as to local customer support, delivery date adjustments and quality correspondence.